Commercial & Residential

Quality Windows

For a better quality of life.

Choose the windows Your House Deserves

People who opt for T&T Windows and doors when building or renovating a home today are making a future-safe decision because their high quality means that you’ll be able to enjoy them for many years to come.


Windows made from UPVC profiles are easy to clean and require very little maintenance. Resistant to most climatic and environmental influences, they have a long service life.


Windows made from GEALAN multi-chamber profiles ensure that the heat stays in and the noise out. They provide security and comfort and produce an unmistakable living atmosphere.


The choice of profile geometry, opening mechanism and window pane subdivision influences the individual character. With GEALAN profiles even unusual window shapes are possible.


To take account of different tastes and architectural styles, modern window technology can be realized not only in white but also in GEALAN-acrylcolor® or with a décor or wood-grain foil.


Whether you are looking for picture windows, or the more interactive Tilt & Turn, our windows are sure to impress and improve any project. We have many window options to choose from and each one will offer high security, optimal ventilation and energy efficiency for your space.


Front doors are the calling card of your home and give the entrance area charm and style. With the S 8000 front door system, Millo Windows & Doors offers the right solution for every taste. You can choose between the classic and the wing-covering versions. And thanks to the flexible color scheme of numerous decorative foils, you have the option of matching your new entrance door to the overall look of your building.

We are committed to give our best services

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Quality windows

By choosing us, you are assuming comprehensive responsibility. High energy savings, timeless elegance, and long-lasting quality are the decisive factors. They increase the value of your property and create long-term comfort and stability for your family. It is a unique, universal system that is available in practically unlimited variations. It offers brand new design options for creating sustainable living space to people who are building or renovating their home, architects, and planners.

happy clients

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.”

mack McGuire

Miami, FL

“Tincidunt lobortis feugiat vivamus at augue eget arcu dictum varius. Nunc aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque convallis.”

ellyn garzon

Santa Cruz, CA


What our clients says about us

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